There are many different diseases that affect the eye and vision. Detecting these diseases in their earliest stages gives patients the best chance at optimal treatment outcomes. Optometrists like Dr. Hoppe and Dr. Trettin regularly screen for eye disease in their patients. Screenings can be part of a routine eye exam or they may be a diagnostic measure taken after your eye doctor has spoken with you and conducted an exam.
Three relatively common eye diseases have distinct impacts on vision. These are:
Glaucoma – This disease is characterized by high fluid pressure inside the eye itself. This pressure can gradually damage the optic nerve, which has the potential to lead to irreversible blindness. Glaucoma can run in families so anyone with this condition in their medical family history should talk with their optometrist about an optimal testing schedule.
Diabetic retinopathy – Retinopathy occurs when blood or other fluid contaminate the retina. If this fluid leak occurs, the patient will experience blurred vision. While retinopathy can potentially affect anyone, people with diabetes are at particular risk for this condition and so may need to make time for annual testing.
Macular degeneration – The macula is the central portion of the retina, which is a thin layer of tissue responsible for processing light into nerve signals for the brain. Blurred, distorted vision and blind spots near the center of the vision can signal the advancement of this condition. People over 60 are most likely to be affected by macular degeneration and a person’s risk of developing this condition increases with age.
If you have a family history of vision loss or eye disease, be sure to tell your physician or optometrist. Both of the optometrists at Primary EyeCare specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of eye conditions. Schedule a comprehensive eye exam or a screening.